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KBA Ethics 2000 Committee Report

The KBA Board of Governors established the KBA Ethics 2000 Committee on July 1, 2003. The Committee was charged with reviewing changes to the American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct (MR) and making recommendations to the Board of Governors for changes to the Kentucky Rules of Professional Conduct (KRPC) based on the MR changes and current practice. The following rules are those proposed to the Court in 2009; the Court's action is shown at the end of each rule. There have been changes so consult your Rules book for current rules.


Ethics 2000 Committee Members


Executive Summary


Preamble and Scope


Rule 1.1


Rule 1.2


Rule 1.3


Rule 1.4


Rule 1.5


Rule 1.6


Rule 1.7


Rule 1.8


Rule 1.9


Rule 1.10


Rule 1.11


Rule 1.12


Rule 1.13


Rule 1.14


Rule 1.15


Rule 1.16


Rule 1.17


Rule 2.1


Rule 2.2


Rule 2.3


Rule 2.4


Rule 3.1


Rule 3.2


Rule 3.3


Rule 3.4


Rule 3.5


Rule 3.6


Rule 3.7


Rule 3.8


Rule 3.9


Rule 4.1


Rule 4.2


Rule 4.3


Rule 4.4


Rule 5.1


Rule 5.2


Rule 5.3


Rule 5.4


Rule 5.5


Rule 5.6


Rule 5.7


Rule 6.1


Rule 6.2


Rule 6.3


Rule 6.4


Rule 6.5


Rule 8.1


Rule 8.2


Rule 8.3


Rule 8.4


Rule 8.5


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