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KBA Committees are voluntary organizations which carry out a variety of special projects for the KBA. Some Committees are established pursuant to Supreme Court Rule to address continuing needs of the bar while others are created for special projects by the Board of Governors and may be of limited duration. Committee and chair appointments are made annually by the President of the KBA. If you are interested in a committee appointment call the Executive Director.


Current Committees & Descriptions 



Get involved in the KBA while building your network base and increasing your professional development opportunities! The KBA has numerous specialized sections that publish newsletters, sponsor service projects, offer topical CLE opportunities and meet to address issues of common concern. 


Current Sections & Information

CLE Participation

If you are interested in getting involved with our Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs, including the Kentucky Law Update, New Lawyer Program, and Annual Convention, please email the KBA’s CLE Department or call (502) 564-3795.

Local Bar Associations

The KBA maintains a list of Kentucky's local and specialty bar associations. To learn about a bar association in your area, please email the KBA or call (502) 564-3795.


Board of Governors

Supreme Court Rule 3.070 provides that the Board of Governors is the governing body of the Association and the agent of the Court for the purpose of administering and enforcing the Rules of the Court governing the practice of law.


Board Positions


  • KBA President (one-year term)
  • President-Elect (one-year term)
  • Vice President (one-year term)
  • Immediate Past President (one-year term)
  • Young Lawyer's Division Chair (one-year term)


  • two attorneys from each Supreme Court District (two-year term)
  • four lay members for consideration of disciplinary cases


The Board meets at least six times a year in sessions that generally are a day and a half in length. The role of the Board in those meetings includes:

  • hearing task force, committee and section reports;
  • making Bar policy decisions;
  • issuing formal ethics and unauthorized practice of law opinions;
  • considering appeals from CLE Commission and Attorneys' Advertising Commission rulings;
  • considering budget and other matters involving Bar operations.
There is a discipline session each meeting during which twenty-one members, including four lay members, of the Board participate in deliberations on charges of professional misconduct brought against members of the Bar and make recommendations to the Supreme Court on guilt and punishment or innocence of charged members. 


more Calendar

9/1/2024 » 12/31/2024
2024 Kentucky Law Update On-Demand

December Learn & Earn: Rethinking Neurodiversity in the Legal Profession

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No representation or warranty is made concerning the application of legal or other principles discussed on the pages to any specific fact situation, nor is any
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