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Intellectual Property Law Section


  1. Provide, through KBA-sponsored programs, information relevant to Intellectual Property Law, including patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, and related areas of Intellectual Property Law.
  2. Provide a collaborative forum for providing assistance in the practice of the rapidly developing legal area of Intellectual Property Law.
  3. Communicate and cooperate with other Sections of the KBA respecting matters of intellectual property which affect members of those sections.
  4. When practicable, form a position on matters of public interest which affect intellectual property.
  5. Disseminate information for the better understanding of the public in matters relating to Intellectual Property Law and collaborate with other organizations across the Commonwealth to heighten their understanding and comfort with intellectual property concepts.
  6. Facilitate diversity and inclusion in the field of intellectual property so that all people and ideas in Kentucky have an opportunity for success.

Dues: $30/yr

Section Year: July 1 - June 30



Mandy Decker
Anthony Ellis
Vice Chair
Donovan Gibbs
Immediate Past Chair
Tony Bonner

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